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Antioxidants and Technology of In Vitro Culture

The use of plant cell and tissue culture techniques have been widely used for producing secondary metabolites, both on a small scale (research) and industry with a large enough capacity, especially the use of bioreactors. Studies that have been carried out include the use of plant cells that are useful to produce useful chemical products and how to control the metabolism of the cells so as to obtain the target secondary metabolites. Plant cell cultures is done through callus proliferation, so should be able to synthesize, particularly accumulate some kind of secondary metabolites in particular compounds such medicinal alkaloid compound saponin, kardenolid, anthraquinone, poly phenols, and terpenes.

For decades research related to natural products chemistry is growing by leaps and bounds. Cases of degenerative diseases and anti-aging activity of free radicals caused mainly by stress and pollutants encourages various studies regarding the use of antioxidant compounds.

What are antioxidants?

Antioxidants are compounds that can prevent or delay the oxidation reaction on the substrate in lower concentrations when compared to the oxidized substrate. Reaction overhaul of oxygen reactive / reactive oxygen species (ROS) are memungkinkankita understand the reaction mechanism of antioxidants. Through the binding reaction with the aid of a metal or inhibition of enzymes capable of preventing the increase in free radical reactions. Actually there is a cell in the cell endogenous antioxidant, which is an antioxidant that is produced by cells such as ascorbic acid, ureat acid, glutathione, tokoperol, and others. The antioxidant activity of the product of secondary metabolites have been widely known through the technique of in vitro and some have been known reaction mechanisms.

Why should the in vitro?

Cracked natural materials have been used as raw material antioxidants have been widely used as agricultural and horticultural products (corn, carrot, tomato apple tea leaves damlain etc.) or medicinal plants such as pine, Curcuma, suren etc. Even the industry of liquor in several countries in Europe and olive oil have been using waste products (waste product) as an industrial raw material antioxidant compounds.

Then why should the in vitro? Currently biotechnology science and engineering is growing rapidly, especially in producing secondary metabolites to be more economical and able to overcome the problems in the conventional cultivation. When compared with conventional farming techniques, biotechnology does have some advantages, namely extraction and purification easier, some compounds not found in nature, does not depend on the weather and climate, it is easier to control the process of biosynthesis, and the last exploration through genetic engineering is more likely performed compared with when we are introducing GMOs into the environment.

What methods are used?

Of the few studies of tissue culture, the isolation of secondary metabolites, antioxidant activity is rarely noticed by researchers. Knowledge of the antioxidant properties of a compound often come from research on the theme ethnobotany medicinal plants, especially in terms of conservation. Testing antioxidant compounds depends on the form of the compound that we examine. The simple method is done by using a calorimetry color test which detects changes in metal reduction, test the free radical synthesis (2,2 & prime-azinobis- (3-3thilbenzothiazolene-6-sulfonate) and DPHH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl free radical ).